UStepIn Ministries

Hope is found in the Lord, and also in working together

UStepIn Ministries is newly minted out of 60+ years of experience helping churches, para-church organizations, charitable groups, and not-for-profits move through change.
We provide weekly sermons that may be listened to or watched anywhere where individuals or groups stop to learn about God.

Welcome to UStepIn Hope Ministries

When asked who told them about Jesus... Will anyone say your name?

We began at Matthew 28:18-20 and we realized that we have been given a mission, a job to do.  Afterward,  in 1 Corinthians 3:16 16  we are told that we've been empowered to do His will. When John 14:6 came into our sights, we realized, that we only have a small window to work in and we have a specific route to take. Then we ran full tilt into Luke 10:2 and we know, that this means us... All of us... and it all comes together in 2 Timothy 2:2 where we find our job description. This is our route. This is what we are to do. Allow us to help you to find out if you are to follow this route too!

Sermons & Thoughts

Things learned... Things done... Stories told... Sermons spoken...  
We do our best to release a new message at least once per week. Messages will appear in video and audio format between Saturday 13:00 and Sunday 13:00 EST.

2 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)  You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.

Gifts are gratefully accepted at: (no tax receipts will be issued)
If requested, printouts of specific sermons will gladly be emailed out.
(A $25.00 e-transfer gift will be appreciated, but is not required)


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Need help navigating the changes your ministry is experiencing? Send us an eMail. We're here to help!

UStepIn Ministries is NOT a non-profit organization. Any remuneration received is NOT tax-receipt-able.
Copyright, 2020

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